Plateau Central Market Research

The market research presented in this report is drawn from several phases of investigation in Haiti’s Plateau Central (hereafter referred to as the Plateau) commissioned by the Clinton Foundation (hereon referred to as CF) and facilitated by TechnoServ Haiti, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to “business solutions to poverty.”

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Coordination Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire

The idea of Frequency Lists comes from the Freelisting technique used in Cultural Consensus Analysis (Romney et. al. 1986; Borgatti 1992). The technique is designed to document categorical knowledge, usually among non-literate people whose folkways are little known outside their living group. For example, a researcher may wish to learn about the types of local foliage rural Haitian leaf doctors use to concoct herbal remedies. The researcher would ask a sample of leaf doctors to give the names of plants they use. The questions are typically asked of 20 to 30 respondents. Responses from the sample of respondents are then correlated.

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Assessment and Programme Guidance for Food Security – Health Programming in North-West and Artibonite, Haiti

This study focuses on Haiti's Department of the North West and Northern portion of the Department of the Artibonite. The objectives were to undertake community consultations and field-based assessment in the north-West/upper Artibonite on food security and health to identify most at-risk communities, food supply, coping mechanisms, etc.

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Évaluation et orientation du programme pour la sécurité alimentaire Programmes de santé des départements du Nord-Ouest et de l’Artibonite, en Haïti (FRENCH)

Cette étude concerne le département du nord-ouest d'Haïti et la partie nord du département de l'Artibonite. Les objectifs sont de :Réaliser des consultations auprès de la communauté et des évaluations sur le terrain du nord- ouest et du Haut-Artibonite, autour des thèmes de la sécurité alimentaire et de la santé. L’objectif étant d’identifier les collectivités à risque, de comprendre comment fonctionne l'approvisionnement alimentaire, les mécanismes d'adaptation des ménages, etc.

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Gender Survey – CARE HAITI – HEALTH SECTOR – Life-Saving Interventions for Women and Girl in Haiti

The quantitative Gender Survey described in this document was part of a larger evaluation and exploration of gender in Leogane and Carrefour, two communes (counties) near to Port-au- Prince that were among those most heavily impacted by the January 12th 2010 earthquake. Following the catastrophe CARE initiated emergency and supportive relief efforts in the communes, including sanitation, health and cash for work programs.

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Post Sandy Fishing Assessment for Grand Anse and Nippes

his study responds to a tender from The German Red Cross (GRC) in partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Haitian Red Cross (HRC). The objective was to help inform post hurricane Sandy Livelihoods/Food Security interventions to fishing communities in the Departments of the Grand Anse and Nippes.

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Poor Communities and Trade Programme. Fair Wage in Haiti: Assessment Report

This report was commissioned by International Trade Centre's (ITC) Ethical Fashion Initiative, a program designed to assist artisans. It examines the concept of a "fair wage" in the context of the cost of living and the prevailing wage scale within in Haiti. It concludes with a recommended wage scale for the artisan sector.

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Building Assessments and Rubble Removal in Quake-Affected Neighborhoods in Haiti. BARR Survey Ravine Pentad

To assist and encourage people to return to their homes after the January 12th 2010 earthquake, USAID funded Rubble Removal Programs including demolition of condemned buildings and the removal of rubble from streets and drainage canals. Between February 2010 and February of this year USAID also supported the Ministry of Public Works Transport and Communications (MTPTC) habitability assessments program in which buildings were structurally evaluated and color-coded green

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BARR Survey Report.Building Assessments and Rubble Removal in Quake-Affected Neighborhoods in Haiti

On January 12, 2010, Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake. An estimated 3 million people were impacted, and original estimates were that 50 to 80% percent of all residential and commercial buildings in the capital and surrounding areas were destroyed or severely damaged, 217,000 to 300,000 people killed, 300,000 injured, and 1.5 million people homeless.

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Post-Earthquake Wheat Flour Monetization in Haiti

The earthquake of January 12th 2010 destroyed Haiti’s only mill, Le Moulin d’Haiti (LMH). The mill owners estimate that it will take at least one year to reestablish the mill capacity At the time of the earthquake LMH produced 80% of all wheat flour consumed in Haiti: 15,000 metric tons (MT) or 300,000 fifty-kilo sacks per month.

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Field Report for Post-Earthquake Emergency Response & EMMA Agricultural Labor Market Analysis Department du Sudest

The objective of the Department du Southeast study (per Scope of Work 1-2) was, AMAP learning about value chains in conflict- and disaster-affected environments with the goal of helping design early responses for ensuring survival (market systems could supply food and essential items or services related to priority survival needs)...

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Edible Oil Market in Haiti

In 2008, with the approval of USAID Food For Peace officers, ACDI/VOCA initiated preparations for the monetization of a small lot of soy oil. The objective was to launch a pilot project ̳to explore a broadening of the income stream to Title II programs in Haiti‘ (Murphy 2009). Because of the subsequent 35% spike in world petroleum costs and the consequent price volatility in agricultural commodities (see Chart 1.1), ACDI/VOCA staff decided to postpone the project from FY‘09 to FY‘10.

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