Baseline Study For GRD II (2016-2020), Leogane

The survey upon which this report is based is both and Endline Survey for the Suisse Red Cross 2012-2016 GRDI risk management project and a baseline for the 2016-2020 GRDII project elaborating on disaster preparedness and introducing ecological components, including reforestation, seed provision and selection, and agricultural cultivation strategies. This report focuses on the Baseline for the new 2016-2020 survey. The target area is five Sections in the Commune of Leogane: Cormier, Fond Doie. Fonds-de-Boudin, Palmis-a-Vin, and Petit-Harpon.

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Coordination Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire. Report on Beneficiary Targeting in Haiti : Detection Strategies

This study was commissioned by CNSA with the financial and logistic support of WFP and FAO. The objective was to examine the processes that NGO and governmental agencies employ to select beneficiaries of social assistance programs in rural Haiti. The task responds to needs associated with current humanitarian aid and development programs such as: Ede Pep, with the Ti Manman Cheri assistance program to mothers with children in primary school and managed under the Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES).

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Coordination Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire. Strategic Orientations for Humanitarian Aid Targeting in Haiti

This document is a summary of CNSA’s more comprehensive, Report on Beneficiary Targeting in Haiti: Detection Strategies. It is meant as a summary of that report and a beneficiary selection guide for organizations working in the humanitarian aid and development sectors. With input from Haiti’s CNSA, the World Food Program (WFP), the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), USAID, Oxfam, and a long-list of other Humanitarian agencies, the guide refines the fundamental best practices of beneficiary targeting in the Haiti.

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Popped Millet and Peanut Butter Market Research

MFK has developed three types of fortified popped millet food snacks and a peanut butter in a sachet that it hopes to distribute on the Haitian market. Regarding the popped millet: one is a sweetened product, the other salty, and a third product is a mixture of the two. The peanut butter is a plain creamy, partly hydrogenated product made from high grade local peanuts and imported varieties. MFK now wishes to test the products with consumers and develop a business plan for marketing them.

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“Right to Livelihoods in Haiti” FINN CHURCH AID (FCA) Rapport final phase #1 (FRENCH)

Ce rapport porte sur la production d’œufs en Haïti dans un contexte de stratégies de subsistance des ménages ruraux des classes populaires. Les données sont tirées d’un bilan des études précédentes, de rencontres avec des fermiers, des entrepreneurs, des marchands, des chefs de coopératives et de deux sondages : un « sondage sur les poules » auprès de 382 ménages et un suivi auprès de 91 des répondants.

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“Right to Livelihoods in Haiti” FINN CHURCH AID (FCA). Final Report Phase #1

This report focuses on egg production in Haiti with an emphasis on popular class rural household livelihood strategies. Data is drawn from a review of the literature and contact with farmers, entrepreneurs, merchants, cooperative leaders, and two surveys: a 382 household “Chicken Survey” and a follow-up telephone sub-survey of 91 of the original respondents.

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Haiti Hope Project 2015 Annual Survey and Evaluation

The primary objective of this report is to respond to the question, “How well attuned was the Haiti Hope project strategy to promoting an increase in present and future revenues for Mango farmers and other mango supply chain actors.” The answer is, If assessed in HTG (Haitian Gourdes), income for all project participants and control groups increased over the life of the project.

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Pre-crisis Market Mapping and Analysis (PCMMA) Training and Market Assessment Facilitation Beans and Corn, Gressier, Haiti

This document presents the results of a Pre-Crisis Market Mapping and Analysis (PCMMA) undertaken for GOAL Haiti, focused on seasonal drought affecting the maize and beans market systems. Both products are important in the target region, Gressier, Haiti. On the one hand they represent a critical source of income for rural producers. Black, red and white beans in particular are considered among the most important cash crops in Gressier.

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Test of Mascots and Packaging for Popped Millet

The data suggests that Ti Pop should be a clean cut, slightly intellectual, physically fit conservative but stylish teenage female who only comes in contact with soccer balls when practices exploding them with karate kicks. She may or may not be a superhero but, if she is, she should be wearing a cape. There is no indication that her skin colour matters to the target population...

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Food Distribution, Production, and Consumption in Haiti (Part 2)

Food preparation specialists have helped popular class Haitians adapt to deepening poverty while still allowing them to obtain high calories at low cost. In the process they invigorate the local economy and earn income to support themselves and their families. But alternative sources of prepared food have emerged over the last two decades that compete with the local food preparation economy.

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Food Distribution, Production, and Consumption in Haiti

This study is about the very important topic of how to get RUFs (Ready to Use Therapeutic Foods) onto the popular Haitian market. Haiti is 1/3rd of an island with a current population between 10 and 11 million people. Until recently the majority of the population lived in rural areas and was dependent on small scale agriculture and livestock rearing...

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Report on Market Chains for PAER

The objective of this report is to provide project PAER participants and implementing partners with an entry point for understanding the production and marketing strategies among the targeted beneficiaries, to detail programme activities and expected outputs and outcomes. There are some 700,000 women, men, and children in the Department of the North West and the commune of Anse Rouge.

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