La Migration et les Droits Humains : Haïti et la République Dominicaine

Ce rapport fait l’état de lieu des informations sur la problématique de la traite et du trafic de personnes sur la frontière nord Haïtiano-Dominicaine à la lumière des flux migratoires externes plus large, la situation socioéconomique et politique et la crise économique mondiale. L’analyse tient compte du fonctionnement des réseaux transfrontaliers du nord Haïtiano-Dominicain qui s’adonnent aux pratiques de traite et de trafic de personnes et la violation des droits humains, particulièrement ceux des femmes et des enfants.

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Prospective LOKAL Interventions in the Communes of Carrefour, Cité Soleil, Delmas & Port‐au‐Prince

This report identifies opportunities for capacity building to support improved municipal governance in four communes of the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area. During its initial months of operation, LOKAL worked primarily with 11 targeted communes outside the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area. At its present stage of implementation, the project seeks to tailor its approach to the special needs of Haiti’s largest and most highly urbanized region, the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area.

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Environmental Vulnerability in Haiti

This report was prepared in response to a Congressional directive that, “after consultation with appropriate international development organizations and Haitian officials, organizations and communities, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development shall submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations setting forth a plan for the reforestation of areas in Haiti that are vulnerable to erosion which pose significant danger to human health and safety.”

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Vulnérabilité Environnementale en Haïti

Ce rapport a été préparé suite à une directive du Congrès Américain demandant à l’USAID de développer “un plan pour la reforestation des zones vulnérables à l’érosion en Haïti qui posent un danger significatif à la santé et à la sécurité humaines”. En réponse à ce mandat, l’USAID a engagé une équipe multidisciplinaire d’experts pour évaluer la vulnérabilité environnementale d’Haïti. L’équipe d’évaluation a choisi d’interpréter la portée de son mandat de façon large afin d’inclure non seulement la vulnérabilité à l’érosion mais aussi toute une gamme de questions et de problèmes qui y sont liés, tels : une meilleure gestion des bassins versants critiques, l’amélioration de la qualité de vie dans les zones rurales, la gestion durable des forêts et la réduction de la vulnérabilité de la population haïtienne aux désastres naturels tels que les inondations et les cyclones.

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Agriculture in a Fragile Environment: Market Incentives for Natural Resource Management in Haiti

This report reviews the Hillside Agriculture Program (HAP) and other natural resource management (NRM) activities in Haiti and proposes guiding elements of project design for a new agricultural and environmental activity. The primary objective of this new activity is to stabilize cropped hillsides in key critical areas via reforestation and soil and water conservation, especially on vulnerable sites that pose significant danger to human health and safety.

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Land Tenure and the Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Haiti

There has long been an active debate in Haiti—as in many other developing countries— over whether or not the customary tenure system constrains technology adoption and agricultural development, and whether cadaster and land titling should be national priorities. This paper contributes to this debate by reviewing and interpreting the body of literature and new empirical evidence concerning the relationship between land tenure and the adoption of technology in rural Haiti.

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Political Will for Decentralization in Haiti

This is the second report prepared by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) under the terms of a contract with USAID Haiti to assess local government and civil society, and to support Mission redesign for these sectors. Local government and civil society are critical components of the Mission’s Democracy Enhancement Project (DEP) and its Strategic Objective for democracy and governance in the period 1999-2004.

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Social Capital and Development in Haiti

This paper explores social capital in Haiti and its pertinence to current USAID Mission objectives and programs. Social capital resources are of intrinsic interest to the Democracy Enhancement Program (DEP) and its Local Government (ARD-PACTE) and Civil Society (ADF-Asosye) Projects, and to ASSET (Winrock International, IRG, Datex), focused on renewable natural resources and environmental planning. The DEP Local Government Project works with executive councils in both municipal jurisdictions (conseil municipal) and rural jurisdictions (CASEC, conseil d'administration de section communale).

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Supplies of Credit Among Haitian Peasants

This is a study of the supply of rural credit available to small farmers in Haiti. Haitian society is by and large a peasant society, and the majority of its poor are small farmers. These peasant farmers are even today the very backbone of Haitian economy. Haiti’s primary tax base has long been the coffee crop which is produced by hundreds of thousands of smallholding peasant farmers.

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Comparative Evaluation of Three Haitian Rural Development Projects

This comparative evaluation of the three Haitian rural development projects is divided into five parts. The three central parts deal with each of these projects separately while the introductory part, the conclusion, and various annexes are designed to make broad comparisons possible.

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Trees and Charcoal in Haitian Peasant Study of Reforestation

This report explores the general feasibility of agroforestation projects with special attention to Haiti's northwest region and the island of La Gonave. It provides an assessment of some of the problems and possibilities for carrying out such programs to the benefit of small peasant farmers. Attention is focused on the planting of fast-growing hardwoods useful for producing wood charcoal.

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