Le paysan haïtien et la lutte antiérosive depuis 50 ans : un bilan

Le problème de la conservation des sols en Haïti est fondamentalement un problème social et l’une des conséquences de la pauvreté extrême des paysans de morne. La forte densité et le mode d’occupation de la terre constituent des entraves majeures à la conservation des sols et de l’eau. En général les petits cultivateurs haïtiens utilisent des techniques de production originaires de la plaine telles que le brûlis qui crée de l’érosion dans les champs agricoles montagneux. Les paysans haïtiens sont conscients de la dégradation des sols et appliquent certaines pratiques traditionnelles de conservation.

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Agriculture in a Fragile Environment: Market Incentives for Natural Resource Management in Haiti

This report reviews the Hillside Agriculture Program (HAP) and other natural resource management (NRM) activities in Haiti and proposes guiding elements of project design for a new agricultural and environmental activity. The primary objective of this new activity is to stabilize cropped hillsides in key critical areas via reforestation and soil and water conservation, especially on vulnerable sites that pose significant danger to human health and safety.

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Land Tenure and the Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Haiti

There has long been an active debate in Haiti—as in many other developing countries— over whether or not the customary tenure system constrains technology adoption and agricultural development, and whether cadaster and land titling should be national priorities. This paper contributes to this debate by reviewing and interpreting the body of literature and new empirical evidence concerning the relationship between land tenure and the adoption of technology in rural Haiti.

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Supplies of Credit Among Haitian Peasants

This is a study of the supply of rural credit available to small farmers in Haiti. Haitian society is by and large a peasant society, and the majority of its poor are small farmers. These peasant farmers are even today the very backbone of Haitian economy. Haiti’s primary tax base has long been the coffee crop which is produced by hundreds of thousands of smallholding peasant farmers.

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Trees and Charcoal in Haitian Peasant Study of Reforestation

This report explores the general feasibility of agroforestation projects with special attention to Haiti's northwest region and the island of La Gonave. It provides an assessment of some of the problems and possibilities for carrying out such programs to the benefit of small peasant farmers. Attention is focused on the planting of fast-growing hardwoods useful for producing wood charcoal.

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