Political Will for Decentralization in Haiti

This is the second report prepared by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) under the terms of a contract with USAID Haiti to assess local government and civil society, and to support Mission redesign for these sectors. Local government and civil society are critical components of the Mission’s Democracy Enhancement Project (DEP) and its Strategic Objective for democracy and governance in the period 1999-2004.

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Social Capital and Development in Haiti

This paper explores social capital in Haiti and its pertinence to current USAID Mission objectives and programs. Social capital resources are of intrinsic interest to the Democracy Enhancement Program (DEP) and its Local Government (ARD-PACTE) and Civil Society (ADF-Asosye) Projects, and to ASSET (Winrock International, IRG, Datex), focused on renewable natural resources and environmental planning. The DEP Local Government Project works with executive councils in both municipal jurisdictions (conseil municipal) and rural jurisdictions (CASEC, conseil d'administration de section communale).

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Social Capital and Governance in Haiti: Traditions and Trends

Haiti’s poverty is clearly indicated by deficits in human and physical capital. These deficits derive from a long history of external and internal oppression, and a system of governance marked by profound deficits in social capital – the networks of norms and trust that facilitate cooperation for mutual benefit. A better understanding of Haiti’s social capital helps clarify the social context of poverty and mechanisms of survival among the poor. It also points to policy issues that must be addressed by any serious effort to alleviate Haiti’s poverty.

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Supplies of Credit Among Haitian Peasants

This is a study of the supply of rural credit available to small farmers in Haiti. Haitian society is by and large a peasant society, and the majority of its poor are small farmers. These peasant farmers are even today the very backbone of Haitian economy. Haiti’s primary tax base has long been the coffee crop which is produced by hundreds of thousands of smallholding peasant farmers.

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Comparative Evaluation of Three Haitian Rural Development Projects

This comparative evaluation of the three Haitian rural development projects is divided into five parts. The three central parts deal with each of these projects separately while the introductory part, the conclusion, and various annexes are designed to make broad comparisons possible.

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Trees and Charcoal in Haitian Peasant Study of Reforestation

This report explores the general feasibility of agroforestation projects with special attention to Haiti's northwest region and the island of La Gonave. It provides an assessment of some of the problems and possibilities for carrying out such programs to the benefit of small peasant farmers. Attention is focused on the planting of fast-growing hardwoods useful for producing wood charcoal.

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HACHO and the Community Council Movement

This evaluation of HACH0 is undertaken in compliance with the requirement that there be an end-of-project evaluation at the time of the termination of AID's direct administrative support, September 30, 1979. The usefulness of this undertaking lies in its retrospective learning opportunity in general, and the information gathering and analysis pertinent for considering future Operational Program Grants.

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In keeping with the scope of work mandating this study, this report seeks to identify problems and clarify issues commonly raised in the use of food aid, labour-intensive approaches to public works and community development. An under­ lying premise of the study assumes that certain material' resources are readily available to private voluntary organizations (PVOs) and USAID projects, in accord with the Congressional mandate.