Effet de différentes densités de semis et de l’association culturale sur les performances du maïs (Zea mays) et du sorgho (Sorghum bicolor) en culture intercalaire avec le pois inconnu (Vigna unguiculata) dans la commune de la Croix-Des-Bouquets.

Intercropping is the main farming method practiced in Haiti. It occupies more than 65% of the useful agricultural areas, with the dominance of cereals (maize, sorghum), cultivated mainly with legumes such as the cowpea. Poor farming practices is one of the main constraints encountered in this system, especially in terms of densities. The plants are grown at low seed densities, so finding an optimum density that promotes better yields is difficult.

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Optimisation et effet de différentes doses d’azote, de phosphore et de potassium sur la performance agronomique de 3 variétés d’aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) en condition de sol alcalin à Cabaret

In order to improve the yield and production of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) by fertilization taking into account the problem of soil infertility, a lack of official recommendations on the use and optimal doses of fertilizers used and the low rate of their application in Haiti, this study was carried out on the fertilization of eggplant during the period from June to December 2019.

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Etude du comportement de quatre variétés de riz ( face aux attaques des maladies foliaires et de la pourriture des gaines en Système de Riziculture Intensif (SRI) et en Système de Riziculture Traditionnel (SRT) à Bocozelle 5ème section communale de Saint-Marc.

In Haiti, the presence of the various rice diseases in the fields, the yield losses caused by them and the control mechanisms have been very little studied. During the period from June to October 2019, a study was carried out in Saint-Marc, more precisely in Bocozelle in the locality of "DEZIRE", in order to study the behavior of four local rice varieties against the attack of certain fungal diseases in natural conditions in two different rice-growing systems (IRS: Intensive Rice Growing System; TRS: Traditional Rice Growing System).

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Effet de différentes densités de semis et de doses de paillis sur la performance agronomique et économique de trois variétés de maïs (zea mays) dans la localité de Digneron, commune de la Croix des Bouquets

The problem of planting density and irregular rainfall are two major constraints that farmers face in growing maize. Many farmers do not master the practice of planting density and cannot optimize their yields. To this end, a study on the effect of different planting densities and mulch on the agronomic performance of three varieties of "zea Mays" maize was carried out in the commune of Croix des Bouquets in the locality of Digneron with the aim of finding which combination of density and mulch will optimize yield.

Continue ReadingEffet de différentes densités de semis et de doses de paillis sur la performance agronomique et économique de trois variétés de maïs (zea mays) dans la localité de Digneron, commune de la Croix des Bouquets

Cultures associées de deux variétés de sorgho (Sorghum bicolor) avec le maïs (Zea mays) et le pois Congo (Cajanus cajan) dans la plaine du cul de sac

The production of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in Haiti faces a serious problem of yield at the national level (0.8 t / ha) which is mainly due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. To overcome this problem, the practice of the cultural association would be an interesting and very advantageous strategy. To this end, a study was carried out on the combination of two varieties of sorghum with maize (Zea mays) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) in order to determine the most suitable cultivation method for growing sorghum in order to have better returns. 

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Charcoal in Haiti: A National Assessment of Charcoal Production and Consumption Trends

A widely cited report from 1979 suggested that existing wood supplies in Haiti would be enough to meet increasing charcoal demand until around the year 2000, but that ongoing charcoal production could result in an environmental  apocalypse (Voltaire 1979, 21, 23). The prediction that wood supplies in Haiti would be exhausted by 2000 was also supported by a report on trends emerging from early remote sensing analyses of aerial photographs spanning from 1956 to 1978, for three different locations in Haiti (Cohen 1984, v‚iiv). And yet, some 40 years later, Haitians continue to produce large quantities of charcoal despite these dire predictions to the contrary.

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Economic Analysis and Willingness to Pay for Alternative Charcoal and Clean Cook Stoves in Haiti

Conventional charcoal and firewood are the main source of energy in Haiti. They provide up to 90% of the country's energy for domestic and industrial use, resulting in severe environmental and health issues. The present study is initiated to better understand the reasons why two promising alternative technologies (improved cookstoves and alternative charcoal briquettes) have experienced low adoption in Haiti. The research was carried out in two districts in southern Haiti where the improved stoves and briquettes production units exist and where households benefited from a program distributing the improved stoves.

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Agrarian Change and Peasant Prospects in Haiti

Haiti is one of the poorest and most severely hunger-stricken countries in the world (GHI 2013). Its contradictions are jarring: although Haiti has the largest relative agrarian population in the Western Hemisphere and relatively less land inequality than the rest of the region (Smucker et al. 2000; Wiens and Sobrado 1998), it is extremely food insecure.

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Plan National D’Investissement Agricole. Développement des Infrastructures Rurales : Annexe 2 Composante Irrigation

Malgré l'abondance des precipitations dans une large part du pays, l'irrigation se justifie en raison de la grande irrégularité des precipitations due a une géographie montagneuse (saison sèche plus ou…

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Analysis of Agricultural and Food Price Policy in Haiti: An Adaptive Policy Simulation Model

In early 1986, the government of Haiti began a series of economic reforms in agriculture designed to reduce the degree of government price intervention, to increase efficiencies in the agricultural sector, and to reduce restrictions on the quantities of food imports. The critical extent of hunger and malnutrition in Haiti has underscored concerns by USAID and other donor organizations for the need to consider the impacts of agricultural policies and food aid on the agricultural sector, government finances, and food availability.

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Agroforestry Research in Haiti. Book 1

The USAID Agroforestry Outreach Project (AOP) began In late 1981. One of its goals was to provide the Haitian farmer with an additional cash crop by encouraging him to grow trees in an agroforestry system. This would simultaneously reduce Haiti's soil losses and other environmental problems. One of the original concepts of AOP was to have a research component to support project needs. Although it was presumed that the Grantees (The Pan American Development Foundation PADFS, Operation Double Harvest *ODH$, and CARS) would undertake their own internal research programs, their planting and outreach programs consumed all of their available time and resources. By the time of the "aid AOP review, it had become apparent that an independent contractor was needed to design and Implement the necessary research. Thus, the University of Maine (U of M) was selected to conduct studies in the following areas: Traditional Haitian Agroforestry Systems, Silvicultural Studies, Nursery and Outplanting Techniques, Species Trials, Cost-benefit Analysis of Agroforestry Systems.

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