Unlocking Challenges of Universal Health Coverage in Haiti

Haiti, located in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, has a human development index of 0.44, ranking 112 out of 157 countries (WDI, 2018). This means that a child born in Haiti today will be 45 percent as productive when she grows up as she could be if she enjoyed complete education and full health.

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An Autoethnography of a Bilingual Therapist Working with Haitian Clients: Reconnecting to Home

This evocative autoethnographic study is a very personalized account of my life as a Haitian American and a bilingual family therapist working with Haitian refugee earthquake survivors. The study focused on the lived experiences and challenges encountered as a family therapist trained in systemic techniques, linguistic terminology, and the Westernized psychotherapy approach to engaging Creole-speaking clients in therapy.

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Cholera: Anthropology and Epidemiology

Haiti suffered the biggest outbreak of cholera in human history and what happened there demonstrates the larger picture of this disease: the political and social aspects of it, and the fear and suspicions it instils in an entire society. The work surrounding the quest for a cure for infectious diseases is mainly a medical one while the social aspects of a disease is the task of anthropology.

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Pèdisyon and Indispozisyon: Reproductive Illness and Embodied Experience in Haiti

This thesis explores anthropological documentation of reproductive illnesses in Haiti and how these illnesses shape maternal and infant health outcomes. Through examining gender roles, health infrastructure, and medical beliefs in Haiti, I provide context for a framework that posits these illnesses as embodied history, trauma, and experience.

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An anthropological investigation of mental health in Haiti: Language, measurement, and the socio-spiritual world

This dissertation examines issues of language, measurement, meaning, vulnerability, and resilience as they relate to the study of mental distress. I draw on interpretive and political economy theoretical orientations to argue that investigations of mental distress must combine attention to systems of meaning-making and structural violence.

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Let the Gods Dance: Transformation Through Haitian Dance

This thesis is an exploration of the transformation of body and mind through Haitian dance from depth and liberation psychological perspectives. More personally, it focuses on the author’s transformational experience while being part of a Haitian dance community in Brooklyn, New York.

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Creating Opportunity After Crisis: Examining the Development of the Post-Earthquake Haitian Mental Health Care System

The scope of this theoretical study is comprised of an extensive review and interpretation of published studies by governmental organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO); non-governmental organizations (NGOs); and individuals detailing the theories, concepts, and relationships that exist regarding the social and economic effects of the global burden of mental health disorders and the substantial treatment gap of mental health conditions in low-resourced settings such as Haiti.

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The Band Carries Medicine: Music, Healing and Community in Haitian/Dominican Rara/Gaga

In the southeastern Dominican Republic, a festive, carnivalesque Easter procession featuring music, dance and ritual is widely performed by small local troupes of mostly poor rural workers and working-class residents of local mill towns.

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The Social Context of Cervical Cancer Knowledge and Prevention Among Haitian Immigrant Women

Cervical cancer is the primary cause of cancer deaths among Haitian women; however, the social context of cervical cancer among Haitian immigrant women has not been systematically examined. The ways in which women assign meaning to this disease, understand its causality and situate it within the broader context of gynecological health are poorly understood

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