Test of Mascots and Packaging for Popped Millet

The data suggests that Ti Pop should be a clean cut, slightly intellectual, physically fit conservative but stylish teenage female who only comes in contact with soccer balls when practices exploding them with karate kicks. She may or may not be a superhero but, if she is, she should be wearing a cape. There is no indication that her skin colour matters to the target population...

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Food Distribution, Production, and Consumption in Haiti (Part 2)

Food preparation specialists have helped popular class Haitians adapt to deepening poverty while still allowing them to obtain high calories at low cost. In the process they invigorate the local economy and earn income to support themselves and their families. But alternative sources of prepared food have emerged over the last two decades that compete with the local food preparation economy.

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Food Distribution, Production, and Consumption in Haiti

This study is about the very important topic of how to get RUFs (Ready to Use Therapeutic Foods) onto the popular Haitian market. Haiti is 1/3rd of an island with a current population between 10 and 11 million people. Until recently the majority of the population lived in rural areas and was dependent on small scale agriculture and livestock rearing...

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