“Children are the Wealth Of The Poor:” High Fertility and the Organization of Labor in the Rural Economy of Jean Rabel, Haiti

This dissertation explores the logic underlying what can be called a ‘pronatal socio-cultural fertility complex’ in rural Haiti. At 5.9 births per mother the rural Haitian Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is the highest in the Western hemisphere and has not changed significantly in 30 years (see Table 1-1 below). Despite a foreign-sponsored national family planning program begun in 1971, only 9.5% of rural reproductive-age Haitian women currently use contraceptives (ibid).

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Fading Frontier: An Anthropological Analysis of the Agroeconomy and Social Organization of the Haitian-Dominican Border

The following report is a rapid rural appraisal that compares and contrasts the agrarian economy, social organization, and developmental world view found in six rural areas of the Dominican-Haitian border, three on the Haitian side and three on the Dominican side. The report assesses the relevance of these patterns for projected bilateral watershed activities.

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