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Tiburon after hurricane Mathew.

The Tiburon Peninsula in western Haiti was struck by Hurricane Matthew on Oct. 4, 2016. U.S. Southern Command established Joint Task Force Matthew to oversee U.S. military relief efforts in Haiti and appointed U.S.


Viewing of a pond from Haiti. There’s a little vegetation in the area but no forest at all.

Haitian goat

Goat, Haiti 2012.


Tarantula, Haiti 2012

Haitian Lizard

Haitian curly tailed lizard.

Haitian pig

Pig breeding in Haiti.

Haitian horse

Wild horses.

Haitian Chicken

Kind of chicken specific to Haiti.

View from the airport

A view of the mountain surrounding Port au Prince.

Haitian Mango Trees

Mango trees, Haiti 2017


Morning, near Boucan, Haiti at about 5135 ft above sea level.

Labadee, Haiti Panorama

Labadee, Haiti. Panorama constructed from nine vertical images stitched together in Microsoft Image Composite Editor. (ICE)