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Priye bondye (2008)

A pregnant woman and her relatives pray together before the delivery at the maternity yard of the Port Salut Hospital, Département du Sud, Haiti.

In labour (2008)

A nurse checks on a pregnant woman in labour at the Choscal Hospital, Cite Soleil, Port au Prince.

This image is part of a documentary made by photographer Monika Piskorek-Grandvaux entitled ‘Dangerous Labour”. The project aimed to depict and raise awareness about the issue of maternal mortality in Haiti.

Lemack Dorlus – Matrone (2008)

Lemack Dorlus, 40 years old, Bois Moquette, Petionaville, Haiti. Lemack has been a traditional birth attendant for 20 years. He was trained by his mother and grandmother and has assisted the birth of all his 6 children. He is currently trained by an NGO and acts as a community representative for the matrones in Bois Moquette.

Elianise Colin – Matrone (2008)

Elianise Colin, 58 years old, Bois Moquette, Petionville, Haiti . She was only 10 years old when she assisted her first birth. It was after being visited by a spirit in her dream that Elianise knew she was going to be a traditional birth attendant. In her first years, she delivered four of her siblings. Throughout the years she has become a very respected matron in her neighbourhood and assists as many as 25 homebirths per month. She has followed several trainings provided by local Non-Governmental Organizations working towards improving maternal health in the most impoverished zone s of the capital Port au Prince.

Oscar Basque – Matrone (2008)

Oscar Basque, 67 years old, Bois Moquette, Petionville Haiti. He started to work as a traditional birth attendant when he was 16 years old. He learnt the practice while assisting his grandmother. Oscar assists an average of three births a month and thinks of it as an additional source of income. His equipment consists of gloves, gauze and a few capsules of vitamin A.

Cetilia Larochelle – Matrone (2008)

Cetilia, 47 years old, Bois Moquette, Petionville, Haiti, 2008.

Cetilia practises traditional midwifery for the last 4 years. Since a vey young age she was assisting her mother also a Matrone.

This image a part of a documentary made by Monika Piskorek-Grandvaux in 2008. The project aimed at raising awareness about the practise of traditional midwifery in Haiti where more than 70% of births occur at home with the assistance of a matron / traditional Birth Attendant.

Mother and Child (2008)

Young mother holding her 14 months old son in the doorway of their home in Port-Salut, Département du Sud, Haiti.

Mother and Child (2008)

Young mother holding her 2.5 years old son in front of their house in Port Salut, Département du Sud, Haiti.

This image was taken during a field evaluation of the Soins Obstétricaux Gratuits (SOG) project for the World Health Organization (WHO).

Stillbirth (2008)

A gynaecologist and a nurse complete a caesarian section procedure at the Choscal hospital, Cite Soleil, Port au Prince, Haiti. Delays in getting appropriate care by a specialist resulted in stillbirth.

This image is part of a documentary made by photographer Monika Piskorek-Grandvaux entitled ‘Dangerous Labour”. The project aimed to depict and raise awareness about the issue of maternal mortality in Haiti.

Waiting to deliver (2008)

Three pregnant women in labour are resting outside of the MSF Jude Anne Hospital, Delmas, Port au Prince, Haiti.

This image is part of a documentary made by photographer Monika Piskorek-Grandvaux entitled ‘Dangerous Labour”. The project aimed to depict and raise awareness about the issue of maternal mortality in Haiti.

Obstetric emergency (2008)

A pregnant woman with complications is rushed into hospital, Port Salut, Sud Department, Haiti.

This image is part of a documentary made by photographer Monika Piskorek-Grandvaux entitled ‘Dangerous Labour”. The project aimed to depict and raise awareness about the issue of maternal mortality in Haiti.

Rushing waves

Rushing waves, Haiti.