Open Source Archives

We strive to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and the implementation of progressive and  participatory research methods, with the goal of generating tangible, durable changes in the way research about Haiti is conceptualized, implemented and applied.


Research Hub & Open Source Archives

EKO HAITI Research Hub is a research and knowledge mobilization platform focused on creative, collaborative and interdisciplinary research and associated research-based learning. We aim to become the intellectual “home” for research about Haiti by creating and providing open access to the largest crowdsourced research archive dedicated to Haiti, by fostering cross-disciplinary research and innovation, and by providing support for progressive research in the form of contextual expertise and training.

“The trees fall from time to time, but the voice of the forest never loses its power. Life begins.”

Jacques Alexis, Les Arbres Musiciens (Paris, 1957)
Haiti is the birthplace of a rich literary heritage that deserves more attention. Haitian authors open a window into this Caribbean nation’s vibrant culture and tumultuous history.

EKO HAITI collections include all works, published and unpublished by Anthropologists Gerald Murray, Glenn Smucker and Timothy Schwartz
Dedicated to the late great, Kreyolicious (Katheline St. Fort), our photographs archives holds a large collection of images dating back to the late 1800's .
40 years of development reports, evaluations and survey databases many of which are not publicly available, are buried in drawers, closets, private libraries of NGOs and government donors.


Oral histories are a powerful tool in developing historical understanding

Oral history offers an alternative to conventional history, filling gaps in traditional research with personal accounts of historically significant events or simply life in a specific place and time. Oral histories do more than provide charming details to dry historical accounts. In fact, oral histories help others recapture lived experiences that are not written down in traditional sources.

> Transcripts archive

" Bwa pi wo di li wè lwen, men grenn pwomennen di li wè pi lwen pase l "

The tallest tree says that it sees far, but the seed that travels says that it sees even further.



As an independent institute, we rely on crowdsourcing and donations to continue expanding the depth and scope of our archives.  Your contribution enable us to provide open access to a vast collection of ethnographic and research material which in turn aims at fostering further research and contribute to a better understanding of the country.

The objective of the Department du Southeast study (per Scope of Work 1-2) was,

1)  expand AMAP learning about value chains in conflict- and disaster-affected environments with the goal of helping design early responses for ensuring survival (market systems could supply food and essential items or services related to priority survival needs),

2)  provide useful information for current humanitarian response programs in Haiti and implementers planning for medium- and long-term recovery programs protecting livelihoods (replace urgent [non-food items], seeds, tools, fuel and maintain demand for labor employment or production that restores incomes),

To accomplish the preceding, the consultants and members of ACDI/VOCA, Save the Children, and Diakonie spent 15 days training and conducting field research. The principal tasks involved were an investigation and analysis of the regional market conditions and livelihood strategies before and after the January 12th earthquake and choosing two market chains for the development of Emergency Market Mapping Analysis (EMMA–a diagramming technique for visually depicting market chain flows and significant factors that influence them). Bean and agricultural labor market chains were chosen. This is the field report for the Agricultural Labor Market.

The people of Southeastern Haiti are suffering from fallout from the January 12th earthquake: but they are also recuperating from a recent pig epidemic that wiped out swine stock; a pest infestation that has afflicted the highland cabbage crops; and arguably more severe than the earthquake itself, they are suffering from one of the worst droughts in decades. They are also dealing with a type of fallout from aid itself for whether the economy could have dealt with the crisis without greater suffering in the provinces is a mute point. The earthquake and associated press coverage brought on one of the greatest humanitarian efforts in history, the impact of which has not been entirely beneficial. These points and their relevancy to short and long term aid interventions are developed in the course of the report.

The report is structured as follows: an introduction to the Southeast; overview of settlement patterns and house type; ecological zones; the role of government, financial institutions, and NGOs; principal livelihood strategies; the internal versus import oriented economy and marketing systems; extra-household livelihood strategies; income; expenditures; and finally an analysis of the agricultural labor market and the EMMA map, followed by intervention options and recommendations. At the end of each subsection is an assessment of the impact of the recent earthquake. Note that particular attention has been given to how the impact of earthquake and associated events articulate with the often misunderstood rural livelihood farming strategies and internal marketing system on which people in the region depend.