This study is based primarily on in-depth tape-recorded interviews with hundreds of Haitians and Dominicans on both sides of the border. Fieldwork was undertaken directly by the two co-authors of this report. Murray assumed primary responsibility for interviews and chapters devoted to the Dominican side of the issues studied and Smucker to the Haitian side of the border. Smucker accepted prime legal responsibility for the execution of the contract and for communication with USAID. He also undertook the final editing and synthesis of the report. In all other respects, the work was totally collaborative. The authors are especially grateful to Philippe Cantave and Sharon Bean and of the Democracy and Governance team at the USAID/Haiti Mission, and for the cooperation and insights of hundreds of persons interviewed in the course of study. The names of institutional personnel and certain key informants are listed in the annexes. Despite the generous help of these persons, the views expressed in this report reflect those of the authors and not of the persons interviewed nor of the USAID/Haiti Mission, the contracting agency. The authors themselves accept responsibility for any errors of fact or interpretation. The authors briefed AID/Washington personnel in July 2004 and USAID/Haiti personnel and partners in September and December 2004. In September Murray was unable to participate as scheduled due to severe weather. A final briefing was therefore scheduled for December 2004 to focus on elements of the report that deal with the Dominican Republic and the Haiti/Dominican border. The authors are grateful for the stimulating questions and comments of participants in these briefings and have taken them into account in final revisions.
The Uses of Children: A Study of Trafficking in Haitian Children
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