Broken Promise: Anthropology And The Humanitarian Aid Sector

In December 2011, 23 months after the Haiti earthquake, in a single sentence, Professor Marc Schuller [1] wrote about the “holocaust,” “the middle passage”, and me—Timothy Schwartz– having “disrespected the memory of loved ones and their ancestors” (read the original on Counterpunch).

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The Haitian exeption

It is a deeply peculiar phenomenon, Haiti’s ‘popularity’. Marked by qualitative extremes – first successful slave revolt, first black republic, most African Caribbean culture, most dangerous tourist destination, among others – the country occupies a unique place in the collective consciousness of the modern American hemisphere.

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The Joining of Science, Art and Aid

MEVMS (Multi-Dimensional Ethnographic Value-Chain Mapping Strategy) is an intuitive, user-friendly research and presentation strategy for creatively documenting, organizing, understanding, and explaining Value Chain networks for a product or service that generates critical income to an economically insecure population.

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