Open Source Archives

We strive to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and the implementation of progressive and  participatory research methods, with the goal of generating tangible, durable changes in the way research about Haiti is conceptualized, implemented and applied.


Research Hub & Open Source Archives

EKO HAITI Research Hub is a research and knowledge mobilization platform focused on creative, collaborative and interdisciplinary research and associated research-based learning. We aim to become the intellectual “home” for research about Haiti by creating and providing open access to the largest crowdsourced research archive dedicated to Haiti, by fostering cross-disciplinary research and innovation, and by providing support for progressive research in the form of contextual expertise and training.

“The trees fall from time to time, but the voice of the forest never loses its power. Life begins.”

Jacques Alexis, Les Arbres Musiciens (Paris, 1957)
Haiti is the birthplace of a rich literary heritage that deserves more attention. Haitian authors open a window into this Caribbean nation’s vibrant culture and tumultuous history.

EKO HAITI collections include all works, published and unpublished by Anthropologists Gerald Murray, Glenn Smucker and Timothy Schwartz
Dedicated to the late great, Kreyolicious (Katheline St. Fort), our photographs archives holds a large collection of images dating back to the late 1800's .
40 years of development reports, evaluations and survey databases many of which are not publicly available, are buried in drawers, closets, private libraries of NGOs and government donors.


Oral histories are a powerful tool in developing historical understanding

Oral history offers an alternative to conventional history, filling gaps in traditional research with personal accounts of historically significant events or simply life in a specific place and time. Oral histories do more than provide charming details to dry historical accounts. In fact, oral histories help others recapture lived experiences that are not written down in traditional sources.

> Transcripts archive

" Bwa pi wo di li wè lwen, men grenn pwomennen di li wè pi lwen pase l "

The tallest tree says that it sees far, but the seed that travels says that it sees even further.



As an independent institute, we rely on crowdsourcing and donations to continue expanding the depth and scope of our archives.  Your contribution enable us to provide open access to a vast collection of ethnographic and research material which in turn aims at fostering further research and contribute to a better understanding of the country.

The objective of this report is to provide project PAER participants and implementing partners with an entry point for understanding the production and marketing strategies among the targeted beneficiaries, to detail programme activities and expected outputs and outcomes. There are some 700,000 women, men, and children in the Department of the North West and the commune of Anse Rouge. The majority live perilously close to the nutritional margins of survival: by international standards, 23% of their children are chronically malnourished; 10% are acutely malnourished (CNSA 2014). The irony of their situation is that they live in territory that was once part of the most productive agricultural colony on earth: French Saint Dominque. Yet, today–after 45 years and over US$100 million of production-targeted interventions from the international development agencies and the Haitian Governments — they practice the most rudimentary productive technologies (see Schwartz 2009). There is no electric grid in the region; preciously little water; roads and transport are such that that it is far easier and arguably less expensive to ship merchandise to urban Port-au-Prince from Miami–715 miles away–than from the target region– less than 100 miles away. The opportunities to raise income through market access is clear and present. But in economically intervening on the behalf of these farmers, indeed in seeking partnership with them and encouraging them to elevate their own investments in remunerative market access enterprises, it is critical that we understand how they have survived thus far.

What we know is that farmers in the region have deeply entrenched production and social patterns that have evolved over more than 200 years of independence, predominately in the absence of assistance from the State or outside agencies. These patterns are, as with people everywhere, adapted to the natural and economic environment. The pages that follow present an overview of these patterns with regard to subsistence and marketing strategies and the associated social relations. They give special emphasis on the IFAD and GOH recommended value chains targeted for intervention. The farmers very real and precarious struggle for survival in what is a harsh regional environment and economy makes the responsibility to understand these patterns of production that much more critical. At the very least, may the project do no harm. Specifically, this section presents,

  • History & interventions in the region
  • Demographic features and trends
  • Geography & Environment
  • Production strategies
  • Social relations of production
  • Regional market system
  • Selected market chains
  • Local organizations