Market Analysis Summary & IHI Survey Estimate of Average Haitian Citizen’s Capacity to Pay for Cancer Treatment

Haiti has a population of 10 million, translating to 2 million households (IHSI 2018). Based on estimate by DeGennaro et. al. (2016), at any given time the number of women in Haiti in need of treatment for breast cancer is 2,250. The expected number of new cases each year is 600. Yet, the number of women being treated in 2017 was only 1,175, less than half those suffering from the disease.

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Field Report for Post-Earthquake Emergency Response & EMMA Agricultural Labor Market Analysis Department du Sudest

The objective of the Department du Southeast study (per Scope of Work 1-2) was, AMAP learning about value chains in conflict- and disaster-affected environments with the goal of helping design early responses for ensuring survival (market systems could supply food and essential items or services related to priority survival needs)...

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